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Title: Maltese Postal History
Keywords: United Nations -- Stamp collections
Postage stamps -- Catalogs
Issue Date: 1969
Publisher: Malta Philatelic Society
Citation: Malta Philatelic Society (1969). Maltese postal history. The Philatelic Society of Malta magazine, 2(3), 4.
Abstract: On the 19th Feb. 1969, a formal Memorandum Agreement appointing the Postmaster General sole distributor of all United Nations stamps and postal stationery was signed at the Exhibition Hall of the National Museum in King sway. The local side was represented by the Hon. Dr J. Spiteri Minister of Posts and Telephones, and Mr. J. Buttigieg the newly elected Postmaster; on the International side was Mr. G. Yates, Representative of the U.N. Development Programme, both bodies signing the Agreement. This means that Malta joins other countries throughout the world, where United Nations stamps can be purchased in local currency.
Appears in Collections:JMPS - 1969 - 2(3)

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