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Title: The relationship between Maltese adolescents and their parents
Authors: Abela, Angela
Farrugia, Ruth
Casha, Claire
Galea, Marita
Schembri, Deborah
Keywords: Teenagers -- Malta
Parents -- Malta
Families -- Malta
Parent and child -- Malta
Interpersonal relations in adolescence -- Malta
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: University of Malta. Department of Family Studies.
Citation: Abela, A., Farrugia, R., Casha, C., Galea, M., & Schembri, D. (2013). The relationship between Maltese adolescents and their parents. Malta: University of Malta. Department of Family Studies.
Abstract: A Message From H.E. Dr. George Abela, President of Malta It is with great satisfaction that I see the publication of this report of research on the subject The Relationship Between Maltese Adolescents and Their Parents conducted by highly competent professionals in the field. My Board had no hesitation in supporting, through The Malta Community Chest Fund, the Centre for Family Studies in its research on this topic, especially in a context where, according to an HBSC survey, Maltese adolescents had poor confiding relationships with their parents when compared to 40 other countries in the world. This support is in accordance with our policy of encouraging studies which are useful in helping us address certain issues of special relevance to society in general and the family in particular. In this case, the study concerns the relationship of adolescents and their parents. This is very much in consonance with the aim of putting the family at the centre of my Presidency. At a time of rapid social change in Malta and elsewhere, studies on the family are essential if we are to address certain issues connected to the well-being of families. This report is being published as a reference not solely to families which may be inspired by some of the pleas made by parents and adolescents, most of whom struggle to connect and spend quality time together, but to all those professionals who work with adolescents and their parents on a daily basis. The report may also be an eye-opener to policy-makers working in the area of children and families. Parents and adolescents themselves have made a number of practical suggestions on how they would like to be supported. It is my hope that the recommendations contained in the report be taken on board and given appropriate consideration in addressing our concerns on the matter of improving the confiding relationship between parents and children. Whilst thanking all those who worked on this project, I also extend my appreciation to the mothers, fathers and children who participated in the research for their generosity in accepting to take part in this study. I look forward to seeing the Centre for (now Department of) Family Studies continuing to fulfill its mission-statement and contributing through its various initiatives towards the welfare of Maltese families.
ISBN: 9789995705053
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacSoWFS

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