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Title: Book review : Ascending order : rising powers and the politics of status in international relations
Authors: Dunton, Caroline
Keywords: Books -- Reviews
Balance of power -- History
International organization -- History
Sea-power -- United States -- History -- 19th century
Sea-power -- Japan -- History -- 20th century
Nuclear nonproliferation -- Government policy
United States -- Foreign relations -- 19th century
Japan -- Foreign relations -- 20th century
India -- Foreign relations -- 20th century
China -- Foreign relations -- 21st century
Issue Date: 2022-11
Publisher: University of Malta. Islands and Small States Institute
Citation: Dunton, C. (2022). Book review : Ascending order : rising powers and the politics of status in international relations. Small States & Territories, 5(2), 337-339.
Abstract: Some of the most interesting and influential interventions on status, hierarchy, and stratification in the discipline of International Relations have come from the Cambridge Studies on International Relations series. Rohan Mukherjee’s Ascending Order is a brand-new title that also meets that description. It is a theoretically ambitious and empirically jam-packed contribution that explains why rising powers in global politics “sometimes challenge an international order that enables their growth, and at other times support an order that constrains them” (Abstract). There is indeed a clear, growing category of literature dedicated to social-psychological explanations of status and status-seeking behaviour. Ascending Order is a welcome addition to that category. As a scholar with a different entry point into the status literature, this book effectively challenged how I think about institutional structures, cooperation, competition, and change in IR. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:SST Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2022
SST Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2022

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