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Title: Conservazione e restauro dei templi megalitici preistorici maltesi : il progetto bilaterale di ricerca e risultanze delle prime missioni di studio
Other Titles: Conservation and restoration of Maltese megalithic prehistoric temples: the bilateral project of research and results from the first study missions
Authors: Cassar, JoAnn
Tampone, Gennaro
Vannucci, Sergio
Keywords: Megalithic temples -- Conservation and restoration -- Malta
Building materials, Prehistoric -- Malta
Globigerina limestone -- Malta
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: Grafo
Citation: Cassar, J. A., Tampone, G., & Vannucci, S., Conservazione e Restauro dei Templi Megalitici Preistorici Maltesi: il progetto bilaterale di ricerca e risultanze delle prime missioni di studio. In The conservation of monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: the influence of coastal environment and salt spray on limestone and marble. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium, Bari, 7-10 June 1989= La conservazione dei monumenti nel bacino Mediterraneo: Influenza dell ambiente costiero e dello spray marino sulla pietra calcareo e sul marmo. Atti del 1 Simposio internazionale, Bari, 7-10 giugno 1989, 1990, p. 139-156). Brescia: Grafo Edizioni.
Abstract: The aims of the bilateral project between the University of Florence and the Museums Department of Malta are the study of the construction techniques, of the materials of the state of conservation and the restoration of five Maltese megalithic prehistoric temples (about 5000BC-2500BC). The building materials, two local limestones (Globigerina limestone and Coralline limestone) have been examined and consolidation and impregnation tests carried out. A detailed description is given of the construction technique, of the previous restorations and of the structural and material deterioration. The decay of the limestone consists of the dissolution of the carbonates by means of marine aerosols, and the physical effects of thermic incursions (decohesion, microcracks). Also a deep alveolization can be observed.
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