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Title: Sexting : setting a policy for schools in Malta
Authors: Deguara, Ilona
Keywords: Sexting -- Malta
Computer crimes -- Malta
Pornography -- Malta
School discipline -- Malta
Behavior modification -- Malta
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The focus of this dissertation is to provide further insight regarding sexting within the school context in Malta. In recent years and despite the local awareness campaigns, the number of cases of sexting has increased. Research on sexting is limited and hence, the author seeks to explore sexting locally whilst comparing certain aspects of sexting to foreign countries. This study, through a qualitative approach, delves into the meaning of sexting as well as seeks to uncover to what extent, sexting is a problem in Malta and at what rate is it affecting teens. The key method used for this research study was based on semi-structured interviews with various professionals from different fields. Through the extensive research carried out, the author discusses various aspects that have not yet been looked into regarding sexting and examines effective preventative and responsive measures within a schooling context. The author also provides suggestions on what more can be done locally to prevent further cases from occurring such as including the topic in the school curriculum. Furthermore, research findings have proven the need and importance for a sexting policy within schools. As a result, the author designed a draft policy on sexting. This policy may be adopted by schools around Malta and Gozo, in the future.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSoW - 2015
Dissertations - FacSoWCri - 2015

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