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Title: Parental abuse in Malta : understanding its typologies and causes
Authors: Galea, Matthew
Keywords: Domestic violence -- Malta
Interpersonal relations -- Malta
Parent and teenager -- Malta
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: Literature and awareness about child-to-parent abuse is gradually increasing internationally, however in Malta this type of abuse is still not recognized. In fact there is no legislation which defines such abuse in Malta. This study tries to estimate the occurrence of the abuse locally and tries to reveal its typologies and causes. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with professionals in the field; Vice Squad police officers, Youth workers, and Social workers. The data gathered revealed that child-to-parent abuse is present in Malta, nonetheless, it is underestimated because of the lack of awareness about it and the reluctance of the parents to report and eventually proceed in court against their child. There seemed to be no gender which is more abusive then the other; however, since physical abuse is more visible than the other forms of abuse, and males tend to be slightly more physically abusive, they seem to be abusing more than the females. Females on the other hand tend to be more verbally and psychologically abusive, although they are also increasing in physical abuse. The study puts forward recommendations by which further awareness and improvements to the system can be implemented. Informative talks given in schools were identified as the quickest and most effective measure by which to counter child-to-parent abuse.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSoW - 2015
Dissertations - FacSoWCri - 2015

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