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dc.contributor.authorSoares, Ana L.-
dc.contributor.authorButtigieg, Sandra C.-
dc.contributor.authorCouto, Jose Guilherme-
dc.contributor.authorBak, B.-
dc.contributor.authorMcFadden, Sonyia L.-
dc.contributor.authorHughes, Ciara M.-
dc.contributor.authorMcClure, Patricia-
dc.contributor.authorRodrigues, Jéssica-
dc.contributor.authorBravo, Isabel-
dc.identifier.citationSoares, A. L., Buttigieg, S. C., Couto, J. G., Bak, B., McFadden, S., Hughes, C.,...Bravo, I. (2023). An evaluation of knowledge of circular economy among Therapeutic Radiographers/Radiation Therapists (TR/RTTs): Results of a European survey to inform curriculum design. Radiography, 29(2), 274-283.en_GB
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Global warming and the increase in greenhouse gases are a current concern worldwide. The healthcare sector constitutes about 4.4% of all emissions. This study aims to evaluate the knowledge, awareness and attitudes of Therapeutic Radiographers/Radiation Therapists (TR/RTTs) regarding environment-related concepts to inform the development of educational curriculum.en_GB
dc.description.abstractMethods: A validated self-designed survey was distributed to TR/RTTs across Europe by the SAFE EUROPE partners and via social media between October 2021 and February 2022. The survey was divided into six sections: (i) demographics, (ii) knowledge of Circular Economy (CE) and Green Skills (GS), (iii) personal attitudes, (iv) TR/RTTs attitudes, (v) the importance of CE, and (vi) education. Questions consisted of mostly Likert scales complemented with other closed- and open-ended questions.en_GB
dc.description.abstractResults: 31%-42% of participants are aware of national and departmental policies in CE and GS concepts. Even though half of the participants considered that they advocate and practice CE, the open questions indicated that participants only focus on waste management, ignoring all the other dimensions of CE in healthcare. Personal attitudes and lifestyles also did not reflect CE. TR/RTTs considered CE practices and GS development essential. However, the suggested academic level at which these skills should be developed was split between High School (44%) and Bachelor's degree (32%).en_GB
dc.description.abstractConclusion: It is essential to raise awareness among TR/RTTs about the various dimensions of CE applied to healthcare: “green transportation”, “environment-friendly procurement”, “hospital building design”, “food process optimisation”, “water reduction”, “energy efficiency”, and “waste management”. Implications for practice: These GS must be developed by TR/RTTs to decrease their impact on the environment. Their training may need to be lifelong, starting during basic high school education and continuing as healthcare professionals after graduation.en_GB
dc.subjectRadiotherapy -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Europe -- Curriculaen_GB
dc.subjectRadiotherapy -- Study and teaching (Continuing education) -- Europe -- Curriculaen_GB
dc.subjectCircular economy -- Europeen_GB
dc.subjectMedical care -- Environmental aspects -- Europeen_GB
dc.subjectRadiologists -- Europe -- Attitudesen_GB
dc.titleAn evaluation of knowledge of circular economy among therapeutic radiographers/radiation therapists (TR/RTTs) : results of a European survey to inform curriculum designen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacHScRad

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