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Title: Being on the beach
Authors: Briffa, Vince
Keywords: Buttigieg, Gabriel, 1993-
Artists -- Malta
Exhibitions -- Poland
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Briffa, V. (2019). Being on the beach. Exhibition catalogue – The Beach, Gabriel Buttigieg. Academy of Fine Arts, Gdansk, Poland.
Abstract: During my many visits to his studio, while wading through the dense layers of signification in the works that are included in this fifth solo exhibition by Gabriel Buttigieg, which coincidentally is also his first ouside of Malta’s shores, unknowingly, my mind often jogged back to Virginia Woolf’s novel of 1912, Melymbrosia, particularly mulling over the title which embodies the strange state of being when melancholy, that pensive sadness with no obvious cause, so important for artistic expression since Greek philosopher Plato, in his Dialogues of the 4th century BC, related this condition with artistic temperament (Karp, 1984), is washed down with ambrosia, the food or drink of the Greek gods, often depicted as conferring longevity or immortality upon whoever consumed it (Wellner, 2014).
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacMKSDA

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