Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM)
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The Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM) is the nation’s first network of NGOs striving to promote human rights.
PHROM was established “to provide a national forum for human rights organisations in Malta to develop, promote and advocate for the values of human dignity and equality more effectively.”
As such, the Platform attracts membership from Maltese NGOs working directly and indirectly in the promotion of human rights values, with the understanding the networked advocacy is more effective, sustainable and exciting!
As stated in our Statutes, PHROM derives its value approach from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We emphasise the belief that human rights enjoyment improves individuals as well as entire societies, particularly when law, policy and practice embrace all human rights collectively and equally.
PHROM therefore supports the indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as it is only through their joint acknowledgement and promotion can human rights – and their beneficiaries – flourish.
PHROM also keenly view human rights enjoyment as a process towards active citizenship and civic participation. Societies based on inclusive participation in decision-making are “central to national, regional and international efforts at combating inequalities and human rights violations and improving community empowerment.”