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Title: Reasoning in archaeological discourse
Other Titles: ‘To Aleppo gone…’ : essays in honour of Jonathan N. Tubb
Authors: Frendo, Anthony J.
Keywords: Tubb, Jonathan Nicholas, 1951-
Auxiliary sciences of history
Bible -- Antiquities
Bible -- Language, style
Hebrew language
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd
Citation: Frendo, A. J. (2023). Reasoning in archaeological discourse. In I. Finkel, J.A. Fraser, S. J. Simpson (Eds.), ‘To Aleppo gone …’: Essays in honour of Jonathan N. Tubb (pp. 196-198). Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd.
Abstract: It is with great pleasure that I write this brief contribution in honour of Jonathan Tubb, whom I first met in the 1980s. Given my time constraints, I am not presenting a research article but I want simply to discuss some basic points that are involved in archaeological reasoning and to bring to the fore a few logical fallacies that lurk in some archaeological publications. [Excerpt]
ISBN: 9781803274713
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacArtMEALC

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