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Title: Il-Pulizija : volume 8, no. 7 : 1993
Authors: Malta Police Force
Keywords: Police -- Malta -- Periodicals
Public safety -- Malta -- Periodicals
Malta Police Force
Malta Police Association
Malta Police Academy
Police vehicles
Police horses
Police -- Health and hygiene -- Malta
Għaqda Pulizija Pensjonanti
Malta Association of Retired Police Officers
Community policing
Sette Giugno, 1919
Riots -- Malta -- History
Issue Date: 1993-12
Publisher: Malta Police Force
Citation: Malta Police Force (1993, December). Il-Pulizija, 8(7).
Abstract: 1/ FARRUGIA, A. - Editorjal -- 2/ Malta Police Association -- 3/ Messaġġ tal-Milied mill-kummissarju -- 4/ Messaġġ mill-Onor. Louis Galea, Ministru ta' l-Intern u Żvilupp Soċjali, għall-ħarġa tal-Milied tar-rivista Il-Pulizija -- 5/ Mill-ittri tal-qarrejja -- 6/ SALIB, D. - Fl-interess tiegħek --7/ Thesis on police -- 8/ Police Academy -- 9/ MIZZI, J. - Police on the beat part III -- 10/ PORTELLI, I - Is-saħħa tal-pulizija fuq il-post tax-xogħol -- 11/ Għaqda tal-Pulizija Pensjonanti -- 12/ Leħen l-għaqda tal-Pulizija Pensjonanti -- 13/ Obitwarju -- 14/ FARRUGIA, A. - Neighbourhood watch, a critical approach -- 15/ MIFSUD TOMMASI, A. - Riots of the 7th and 8th June of 1919 -- 16/ Iċ-ċerimonja tad-dberik ta' l-oqbra ta' l-ex membri tal-Korp tal-Pulizija -- 17/ MELI, S. - Sport : xi aspetti legali -- 18/ CILIA, R. - Sports - football -- 19/ ABELA, A. - Ir-responsabilità
Appears in Collections:Il-Pulizija : 1993

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