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Title: Meeting the challenges of person-centredness in mental health care and education
Authors: Scerri, Josianne
Keywords: Mental health
Community mental health services
Mental health services
Mental health education
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Health Sciences
Citation: Scerri, J. (2023). Meeting the challenges of person-centredness in mental health care and education. Malta Journal of Health Sciences, 10(1), 4-6.
Abstract: The provision of mental health care is undergoing significant changes, transitioning from a medical model that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions to a person-centred holistic approach, that puts the individual at the centre of care. Nonetheless, the narratives of persons with mental health challenges still resonate with experiences of being viewed in terms of ‘problems, symptoms and deficits rather than being citizens with strengths and areas of competence’ (Borg & Karlsson, 2017, p.221). Such experiences often result in feelings of isolation, shame and/or stigmatization by others. The experience of stigmatising attitudes has been further linked to diagnostic overshadowing, which can negatively impact access to healthcare within both mental health and general services (Banks, Scerri & Davidson, 2021).
Appears in Collections:MJHS, Volume 10, Issue 1
MJHS, Volume 10, Issue 1

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