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Title: The implications of Malta’s application for E.U. membership on Malta’s health licensing procedures : the licensing of medical diagnostic laboratories
Authors: Sammut, Charmaine (1995)
Keywords: Medical laboratories -- Licenses -- Malta
Diagnosis, Laboratory -- Malta
European Union -- Malta
European Union -- Membership
Issue Date: 1995
Citation: Sammut, C. (1995). The implications of Malta’s application for E.U. membership on Malta’s health licensing procedures: the licensing of medical diagnostic laboratories (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: Ehrat (1983) pointed out that politics is inherent in health care delivery because health care involves multiple special interest groups all competing for their piece of a limited pool of resources. At the Thirtieth World Health Assembly in May 1977, W.H.O. Member States decided that the main social target of governments and W.H.O. in the following decades should be for all citizens of the world to attain by the year 2000 "a level of health which will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life". At the thirtieth session of the Regional Committee in Fez in September 1980, Member States of the W.H.O. European Region had also approved their first common health policy: the European strategy for attaining health for all. This called for a fundamental change in countries' health policies and urged that very high priority be given to health promotion and disease prevention; that all sectors with an impact on health take positive steps to maintain and improve health; that greater stress be placed on the role individuals, families and communities can play in health development; and that primary health care should be the major approach used to bring about these changes. It also called for the formulation of specific regional targets to support the implementation of the strategy. For Malta the main aim of the national health strategy, which formed an integral part of the socio-economic development plan for 1981-1985, was to ensure that all Maltese citizens received the best affordable health care; the immediate objective was to consolidate recent achievements and expand the primary health care, geriatric and hospital services. On the 5th December 1970, Malta decided to conclude an Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Malta, in accordance with Article 238 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. The aim of the Agreement was to progressively eliminate obstacles as regards the main body of trade between the European Economic Community and Malta. This was the first step towards the consolidation of political co-operation between Malta and the Common Market which would help to improve our country’s technical, financial and economic structures.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacHSc - 1995
Dissertations - FacHScHSM - 1995

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