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Title: Anton Inglott : ħamsin sena minn mewtu
Authors: Cassar, Mario
Keywords: Inglott, Anton, 1915-1945
Painters -- Malta -- 20th century
Artists -- Malta -- 20th century
Christian art and symbolism -- Malta -- History -- 20th century
Painters -- Malta -- Biography
Issue Date: 1995-09-17
Publisher: Communications
Citation: Cassar, M. (1995, September 17). Anton Inglott : ħamsin sena minn mewtu. Il-Mument, pp. 8.
Abstract: F'dan l-artiklu, Cassar jitkellem dwar il-ħajja tal-pittur Anton Inglott. Inglott ħalla din id-dinja fl-età ta' 30 sena u b'hekk xogħlu m'huwiex daqstant numeruż. Madanakollu, Inglott jibqa' wieħed mill-pilastri ewlenin tax-xena artistika lokali.
Description: From the private collection of Mr. Salvino Camilleri.
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCASHBio

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