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Title: A case study of a parents' self-advocacy group in Malta : the concepts of 'inclusion, exclusion and disabling barriers' are analysed in the relationship that parents have with professionals
Authors: Azzopardi, Andrew
Keywords: Parenting -- Malta
Parenting -- Social aspects
Social settlements
Child rearing
Parent and child -- Malta
Families -- Malta
Households -- Malta
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Routledge
Citation: Azzopardi, A. (2000). A Case Study of a Parents' Self-advocacy Group in Malta. The Concepts of'Inclusion, Exclusion and Disabling Barriers' are Analysed in the Relationship that Parents have with Professionals. Disability & Society, 15(7), 1065-1072.
Abstract: This paper attempts to develop a conceptual framework to understand how parents of a particular support and self-advocacy group in Malta, the National Parents' Society for Persons with Disability, experience difference and difficulty. The objective of this case study with the Parents' Society is to: (1) explore the historical and social context; (2) examine the concepts of inclusion and exclusion; (3) analyse the relationship between parents and professionals, from the former's point of view; (4) define whether the disabling barriers of parents are an issue of voice impediment. Ultimately, the purpose of this paper is to reflect on the experience of parents in this group. The tools used to validate this paper are literature review, my own experiences and involvement with the Parents' Society, documentation review and a mail questionnaire.
ISSN: 13600508
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacSoWYCS

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