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Title: The first hundred days
Authors: Scerri, Hector
Keywords: Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-2022
Catholic Church -- Doctrines
Church management
Issue Date: 2005-07
Publisher: Allied Newspapers Limited
Citation: Scerri, H. (2005, July 28). The first hundred days. The Times of Malta, p.52
Abstract: This "Talking point" assesses the proverbial first hundred days of a leader, in this case, Pope Benedict XVI who had been elected to the papacy on 19 April 2005. The brief article assesses the character of the theologian and former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who was elected pope at the age of 78. The author evaluates some of his gestures which indeed proved to be heralds of the behaviour of the man who would be pope until his unexpected resignation in February 2013.
Description: An assessment of the first hundred days of the pontificate of Benedict XVI
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacTheFDT

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