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Title: Pharmacy student training for pharmacist-led vaccination services in Malta
Authors: Attard, Tamara
Wirth, Francesca
Azzopardi, Lilian M.
Keywords: Pharmacy -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Malta
Pharmacy students -- Training of -- Malta
Vaccination -- Malta
Pharmacist and patient -- Malta
Issue Date: 2023-05
Publisher: European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy
Citation: Attard, T., Wirth, F., & Azzopardi, L. M. (2023, May). Pharmacy student training for pharmacist-led vaccination services in Malta. Poster session presented at the EAFP Annual Conference: Sustainability in Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice and Pharmacy Education, Valencia, Spain.
Abstract: Introduction: Pharmacists are positioned to contribute effectively in vaccination, as educators, facilitators or administrators. A vaccination training programme was developed and delivered to pharmacy students in the first year of the pharmacy course for the first time during academic year 2021-22. The training programme consists of 3 phases shown in Figure 1. Upon successful completion, a skills checklist and pharmacy based vaccination delivery certificate are issued. Aim: To assess knowledge, skills and confidence of pharmacy students who followed the vaccination training programme.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacM&SPha

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