Dissertations - FacSci - 2023 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 50
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Bayesian parameter estimation of the hurst index of fractional brownian motionDimech, David Paul (2023)
2023Estimation of the hubble constant using Gaussian process regression and viable alternativesZammit, Samuel (2023)
2023Univariate and multivariate extreme value analysis of Düsseldorf hydrological dataVella, Owen (2023)
2023Rooting out deception : the application of tree-based learners for motor insurance fraud detectionGrima, Lorin (2023)
2023A preliminary quantitative and qualitative investigation of microplastics sampled from Maltese nearshore watersKossari Tarnik, Ede (2023)
2023A novel approach to groundwater monitoring in the Maltese Islands : analysis of auto- and cross-correlation functions of ambient seismic noiseLaudi, Luca (2023)
2023Analysis of the local sea state derived through in-situ, remote sensing, and numerical modelD’Amato, Leonora (2023)
2023Analysis of micro coastal litter in the visible and infrared bands through the use of a spectrometer and a hyperspectral cameraFiala, Sarah (2023)
2023The sea currents within the Gozo channel : a preliminary study for harnessing underwater ocean current energyZammit, Clayton (2023)
2023Effects of artificial illumination on the presence of bat speciesNardelli, Bettina (2023)
2023DNA barcoding and phylogenetics of marine molluscs in Maltese watersCassar, Luke (2023)
2023Molecular genetics of aliens in Maltese watersScicluna, Yesahel (2023)
2023Molecular genetic identity of species found in loggerhead sea turtles in Maltese watersSammut, Samantha Jade (2023)
2023Seasonal patterns of megafauna on rocky shore communities of the upper infralittoral : a conservation approachBaldacchino, Yacopo (2023)
2023Investigation into male pattern balding : use of natural and synthetic chemicals for hair growth stimulationAttard, Janet (2023)
2023Green chemistry alternatives for an established industrial process of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)Delicata, Alessandro (2023)
2023Identification of novel properties of metabolic systems through null-space analysisSaid, Yanica (2023)
2023When computation meets experiment : a combined approach towards understanding crystalline materials propertiesSpiteri, Lorella (2023)
2023An investigation of smart, inclusion-based mechanical metamaterialsGalea Mifsud, Russell (2023)
2023Feasibility and forbidden subgraphsCassar, Matthew (2023)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 50

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