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dc.contributor.editorPiñeiro-Chousa, Juan-
dc.identifier.citationTavana, M., Strazzullo, S., Camilleri, M. A., Filho, M. G., Filippelli, S. & Pini, B. (2023). Transition from Linear to Circular Economy through Open Innovation. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge,
dc.description.abstractPrevious research reported that there is a business case for manufacturing firms to implement circular economy (CE) practices. Therefore, this topic appeals to the practitioners themselves as well as to governments and academics. There is scope for scholars to investigate how organizations can effectively implement CE principles to improve their productivity whilst engaging in sustainable behaviors. In this context, an open innovation (OI) approach represents a viable approach to foster and speed up the implementation of circular initiatives. However, for the time being, few contributions sought to explore how OI ecosystems could facilitate the businesses’ transition from linear economic approaches to the CE processes. Hence this special issue aims to address this gap in academic knowledge.en_GB
dc.subjectCircular economyen_GB
dc.subjectIndustrial capacityen_GB
dc.subjectConsumption (Economics)en_GB
dc.subjectRecycling (Waste, etc.)en_GB
dc.subjectProduction controlen_GB
dc.title[Call for papers] Transition from linear to circular economy through open innovationen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.description.reviewednon peer-revieweden_GB
dc.publication.titleJournal of Innovation & Knowledgeen_GB
dc.contributor.creatorTavana, Madjid-
dc.contributor.creatorStrazzullo, Serena-
dc.contributor.creatorCamilleri, Mark Anthony-
dc.contributor.creatorFilho, Moacir Godinho-
dc.contributor.creatorFilippelli, Serena-
dc.contributor.creatorPini, Benedetta-
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacMKSCC

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