Dissertations - FacICTCS - 2023 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Responding to stealthy attacks on android using timely-captured memory dumpsBellizzi, Jennifer (2023)
2023A framework for the automated distribution and execution of tests on mobile devicesCamilleri, Lydin (2023)
2023The impact of Android UI attacks on malware forensic footprintsBugeja, Manwel (2023)
2023Runtime monitoring for asynchronous reactive componentsAttard, Duncan Paul (2023)
2023A framework for modelling believable behaviour of ambient non-player charactersZammit, Mariah (2023)
2023Runtime verification of robotic applications inspecting radioactive environmentsDrago, Miriana (2023)
2023Typing OTP design patterns with session typesFarrugia, Adrian (2023)
2023Identifying likely reputable ethereum blockchain based projectsMalik, Cyrus (2023)
2023Memory forensics of android backdooring based on App virtualizationGalea, Enrique Anthony (2023)
2023Runtime verification of robotic aspects of the Mars roverFenech, Mattea (2023)
2023Secure and correct execution of the X3DH protocol through runtime verificationBorg, Kirsty (2023)
2023Instrumenting inline runtime monitoring in ElixirGauci, Paul (2023)
2023Runtime verification program side‐effects in OCamlSciberras, Emma (2023)
2023A decentralised application to enhance traceability and security inside a pharmaceutical supply chainPagano Mariano, Michele (2023)
2023Exploring bidirectional typing for the Semi-Axiomatic sequent calculusBorg, Benjamin (2023)
2023Real-time player adaptable PCG using gameplay analysis techniquesScicluna, Liam (2023)
2023Procedurally generating interesting levels in 3D video gamesSchimpf, Lukas (2023)
2023Investigating the impact of pull requests on knowledge map constructionRuggier, Daryl (2023)
2023Towards a unified python programming model for decentralised applicationsAbramov, Ivan (2023)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19

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