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Title: Establishing self-regulatory advertisement standards mechanisms : the case for an advertising standards authority for Malta
Authors: Aquilina, Kevin
Keywords: Advertising laws -- Malta
Advertising -- Standards -- Malta
Broadcasting Authority (Malta)
Mass media -- Law and legislation -- European Union countries
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Malta Chamber of Advocates
Citation: Aquilina, K. (2009). Establishing self-regulatory advertisement standards mechanisms: the case for an advertising standards authority for Malta. Law & Practice, 20, pp. 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26.
Abstract: I approach the work of the Advertising Standards Authority in its early maturity in the light of two convictions: first that an independent press is one of the indispensable bases of democracy and, second, that the larger the lay element in the administration of justice, the sounder will be the national foundations of law and order. [Excerpt]
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacLawMCT

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