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Title: Prevalence of obesity in a paediatric outpatient clinic
Authors: Mizzi, Joseph
Aquilina, Samuel
Vella, Cecil
Keywords: Obesity in children -- Malta
Obesity -- Malta -- Statistics
Body mass index
Children -- Food habits
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Malta Medical Journal
Citation: Malta Medical Journal. 2012, Vol.24(3), p. 25-28
Abstract: This study assessed the rate of overweight and obese children at a general paediatric outpatient clinic, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta, in 2011. This was an observational, prospective study where 220 patients aged 2-14 years attending this clinic, with a preponderance of asthmatic children, had their height and weight measured and their BMI calculated. Overall, 40.5% of the children were either overweight (14.1%) or obese (26.4%). There were more obese boys (31.8%) than girls (18.2%) (p=0.025). Half of the asthmatic patients were overweight or obese (49.6%), compared to a quarter of the non-asthmatic patients (27.5%) (p=0.001). The high rate of obesity in this setting presents an opportunity and challenge for paediatricians to address the most important nutritional problem in children.
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MMJ, Volume 24, Issue 3
Scholarly Works - FacM&SPae

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