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Title: [Book review] The ring metaphor and the spirit of Sofia and other essays
Authors: Aquilina, Kevin
Keywords: Books -- Reviews
Sofia (Bulgaria) -- History
Valletta (Malta) -- History
London (England) -- History
Architecture -- Bulgaria -- Sofia
Architecture -- Malta -- Valletta
Architecture -- England -- London
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Editura EcoZone
Citation: Aquilina, K. (2022). [Review of the book The Ring Metaphor and the Spirit of Sofia and Other Essays, by L. Bianco]. European Journal of Science and Theology, 18(4), 149-154.
Abstract: Lino Bianco, both as editor and contributing author, has attempted in his book entitled The Ring Metaphor and the Spirt of Sofia and Other Essays to expose his philosophy of the spirit of the arts - architecture, planning, literature and music. He ventures to ask, what at face value appears to be a simple and straight forward question: ‘Where do I live?’. Nevertheless, the reply that he gives is not as elementary as one would imagine for his answer is not a simplistic one of providing his home address but something more in-depth, philosophical, religious and spatial that transcends space and time, two recurring philosophical themes in this book and in philosophy in general.
ISSN: 18410464
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCFAArc

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