Dissertations - FacHSc - 2015 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015The use of transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the calf undergoing infra-inguinal bypass surgery.Mifsud, Maximilian
2015Ultrasound technology for controlling the food safety and quality of fresh produceAbela, Daniela
2015Adapting planning strategies for cervix brachytherapy to reduce the dose to the vaginaFalzon, Jessica
2015A comparison of SNR of two generations of Siemens 1.5T MRI scanners and their associated RF phased array coilsVella, Nolan
2015Paediatric CT protocol optimisation of the abdo-pelvic regionSchembri, Keith
2015Noise power spectrum of ultrasound uniformity imagesCamilleri, Mona Lisa
2015Development of disease-specific software lesions to evaluate and optimise the performance of image-based dosimetry in radionuclide therapyCamilleri, Miguel
2015Monte Carlo evaluation of small field dosimetry for low KV beamsBezzina, Paul (2015)
2015Predictive modelling of external dose rate from radionuclide therapy patients following discharge from hospitalAgius, Sam
2015Class solution development and imaging considerations for spinal SABRBezzina, Mark
2015Recreational exposure to noise in second year Maltese university student nursesDeguara, Christopher
2015Auditory and language processing in children with language impairmentAzzopardi, Charlene
2015Management of ADHD symptoms in children : iron supplementation versus conventional therapyPace, Roseanne
2015Auditory processing skills in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorderTabone, Melissa
2015Comparison of hearing aid outcome measures in adult hearing aid usersMiggiani, Pauline
2015Speech perception skills in Maltese adolescent cochlear implant usersBusuttil, Jacqueline
2015Noise-induced hearing loss in dental surgeons : the Maltese perspectiveBartolo, Amanda
2015First-time fathers’ experiences of attending the birth of their childTabone, Fiona
2015Mothers’ experiences of an assisted vaginal deliveryCamilleri, Jolene
2015Somali immigrant women’s lived experiences of pregnancy and childbirth in MaltaRapa, Stephania
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 59

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