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Title: Selected aspects of innovative activity by region : comparative analysis in spatial section by subregion in Western Poland
Authors: Brojak-Trzaskowska, Małgorzata
Keywords: Regional planning -- Poland
Regional economics -- Poland
Regional planning -- Technological innovations
Competition -- Poland
Economic development -- Poland
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association
Citation: Brojak-Trzaskowska, M. (2023). Selected aspects of innovative activity by region : comparative analysis in spatial section by subregion in Western Poland. European Research Studies Journal, 26(3), 892-900.
Abstract: PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to show how innovation is developing in the sub-regions of western Poland and how entrepreneurs and local government can ensure an increase in innovative dynamism. The article puts forward the following research hypothesis - the intensification of pro-innovative activities in enterprises and formal and institutional support locally (in sub-regions) will ensure an increase in the innovativeness of the regional economy. In line with the objective and hypothesis, the following research question was formulated - what specific undertakings should be implemented to ensure an increase in innovation in the region under study? Therefore, the issue of innovation in classical and contemporary terms (in the theoretical-cognitive dimension) was addressed first, followed by innovation in enterprises in regional terms (in the practical dimension). The main element of the article is the identification of the reasons for the decline in innovative activity and proposals for measures to increase innovative dynamism in the studied region.
DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research approach used in the theoretical part of the article is based on the method of critical analysis of the literature. The considerations in the empirical part have a positive dimension, i.e. a descriptive and explanatory one (concerning the actual state of innovative activity of enterprises in western Poland) and a normative one, i.e. recommending what should be done to increase the innovative dynamism of the studied enterprises. The method of analysis and synthesis, comparison and deduction was also used.
FINDINGS: The research approach used made it possible to identify the reasons for the decline in innovative activity in the studied region and subregions, and to identify the necessary measures to improve the current state in the field of innovative activities.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The research showed that there is adequate potential in the western Polish region to implement the recommended measures aimed at increasing the innovative dynamism of enterprises.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The choice of the title of the article is due to the fact that the research topic undertaken is timely and important from the point of view of local and regional economic development. The research topic undertaken, especially recommendations for regional and sub-regional development through innovation, has not been the subject of extensive scientific discussion in the international arena.
Appears in Collections:European Research Studies Journal, Volume 26, Issue 3

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