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Title: Orthodox migrants in Poland in the light of spatial diffusion theory : a research concept
Authors: Czapliński, Paweł
Keywords: Spatial behavior -- Social aspects -- Poland
Orthodox churches -- Poland
Immigrants -- Poland
Human geography -- Poland
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association
Citation: Czapliński, P. (2023). Orthodox migrants in Poland in the light of spatial diffusion theory : a research concept. European Research Studies Journal, 26(4), 3-15.
Abstract: PURPOSE: Outline the theoretical concept of the study of the influx of Orthodox migrants to Poland in the light of the theory of spatial diffusion. Detailed considerations include a discussion of the adopted algorithm of the research procedure, including the purpose and significance of the research, the research design and plan, and the research methodology.
DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The observed process of spatial diffusion of Orthodox religious ideas to Poland requires reflection on how to research this phenomenon. It seems that social science methods, such as surveys and semantic profiles, are the most appropriate. But the study should also use materials and available statistical sources in order to be able to make comparisons between spatial units. The proposed research path is an attempt to develop general mathematical assumptions, which is important because the observed migration processes will increase not only in Poland, but also throughout Western Europe.
FINDINGS: The proposed research path is a response to a relatively new phenomenon in Poland, which is the inflow of Orthodox migrants from Eastern Europe. Embedding the research in the theory of spatial diffusion seems justified.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Due to its universality, the proposed algorithm of procedures together with its theoretical justification can be widely used in migration research.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The influx of Orthodox migrants to Poland, explained by the theory of spatial diffusion, will allow us to designate places defined as primary places of residence and will enable us to identify current places of residence, which may be the result of previous experiences and local traditions, habits and local cultural patterns.
Appears in Collections:European Research Studies Journal, Volume 26, Issue 4

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