Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | Women's response to incarceration | Zammit, Mary Anne (2012) |
2012 | Probation as a means of rehabilitation for juvenile offenders (14-18 years old) in Malta | Rizzo, Christian (2012) |
2012 | Juvenile offenders : a comprehensive study of the criminal trends and relative community based interventions | Testa, Stephania (2012) |
2012 | England and Wales prison sex offenders treatment programmes : implications for Malta | Sultana, Ivan (2012) |
2012 | The police and probation officer's partnership : a study investigating each officer's role and their partnership in probation | Mizzi, Jocelyn (2012) |
2012 | Home is where it hurts : the nuclear family as a risk factor for the contribution of delinquency | Mifsud, Maria (2012) |
2012 | Podiatrists' knowledge of ageing and attitudes towards older people | Gobey, Carol (2012) |
2012 | Community service in Malta : the role of the judiciary | Lanzon, Marietta (2012) |
2012 | Can probation orders be used as an alternative to imprisonment? | Grixti, Glen (2012) |
2012 | Probation officers' safety at work | Fabri, Sharlet (2012) |
2012 | Racial discrimination in the Maltese criminal justice system : are probation order sentences affected by racial discrimination in the Maltese criminal justice system? | Cassar, Victoria Martha (2012) |
2012 | Prison sanctions versus community based sanctions : the offenders' perspective | Formosa, Marilyn (2012) |
2012 | Children of incarcerated parents | Bugeja, Deborah (2012) |
2012 | In their own words : the experience of problem drug users on probation | Bezzina, Svetlana (2012) |
2012 | Public knowledge and attitudes of the Maltese residents towards crime and punishments | Bugeja, Anabel (2012) |
2012 | The role of youth organizations in the prevention of youth delinquent and antisocial conduct | Bayliss, Odelsie (2012) |
2012 | The ethics and politics of writing psychological reports when working with children | Balani, Sunaina |
2012 | The young adult and chronic illness : implications for the counselling profession | Coleiro, Dorianne |
2012 | The cost of caring : an exploration of the impact of vicarious traumatisation on the counsellor | Bonanno, Carmen |
2012 | Writing ourselves : an effective tool in the process of therapy | Vella, Maureen |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 53