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Title: Any Tom, Dick or Salvu
Authors: Azzopardi, Andrew
Keywords: Politics and culture -- Malta
Mallia, Salvu, 1952-
Partit Nazzjonalista (Malta)
Partit Laburista (Malta)
Malta -- Politics and government
States, Small -- Politics and government
Issue Date: 2017-01
Publisher: Standard Publications Ltd.
Citation: Azzopardi, A. (2017, January 18). Any Tom, Dick or Salvu. The Malta Independent, pp. 8.
Abstract: So now we have an anti-politician, 'would-be anarchist' in the most conservative leaning party in Malta! Confusing one might add. Possibly, but it is also symptomatic of a political scenario (all over the world) that has gone wacky where what matters most is the dais and not much else. [excerpt]
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacSoWYCS

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