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Title: Calling the shots
Authors: Azzopardi, Andrew
Keywords: Elections -- Malta
Political parties -- Malta
Political science -- Malta
Hunting -- Malta
Referendum -- Malta
Malta -- Politics and government -- 21st century
Issue Date: 2015-04
Publisher: Standard Publications Ltd.
Citation: Azzopardi, A. (2015, April 15). Calling the shots. The Malta Independent, pp. 8.
Abstract: I feel that this ballot has shown us how much our country is developing in terms of participation, engagement and calling the shots. There are a number of pointers that indicate that our society is growing as a nation. The evidence that people wanted to discuss this issue can be seen in the number of citizens that signed the petition even though this issue, to begin with, troubled two very specific interest groups, the hunters and the bird enthusiasts. However, it eventually found its way onto the national agenda and many shared their thoughts on the matter during the campaign even if the issue might not be tenuously close to home. (The following are some thoughts, not stated in any particular order of significance). This referendum confirmed that the place of Altemattiva Demokratika in the political spectrum remains weighty. They have still not managed to elect an MP and I very much doubt they ever will, but once again they have championed an issue, together with a coalition of organisations. I believe that from all three political parties, Alternattiva Demokratika is the one that merits the wreath for taking an unambiguous position. [Excerpt]
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