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Title: Matrimonial unity and medical confidentiality : examining spousal notification of infectious diseases in the context of Nigerian marriage laws
Authors: Babafemi, Odunsi Sylvanus
Sunday, Oyelade Olutunji
Keywords: Confidential communications -- Physicians -- Nigeria
Medical records -- Law and legislation -- Nigeria
Privacy, Right of
Marriage law -- Nigeria
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Laws
Citation: Babafemi, O. S., & Sunday, O. O. (2011). Matrimonial unity and medical confidentiality : examining spousal notification of infectious diseases in the context of Nigerian marriage laws. Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, 15, 239-254.
Abstract: This paper examines the application of medical confidentiality, and by the same token the right to privacy, in the context of husband and wife relations. The analysis is undertaken in the framework of Nigerian laws relating to marriage, vis-a-vis the concept of legal unity. Where necessary, references are made to relevant legal principles drawn from other jurisdictions. Among the fundamental issues addressed is whether the need to protect a spouse from being infected with a sexually transmitted communicable disease is a justification for a doctor to breach medical confidence.
Appears in Collections:Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, volume 15, double issue

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