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Title: The Mġarr Parish Church : construction aspects and structural analysis
Authors: Tonna, Kersten (2024)
Keywords: Parish Church of the Assumption (Mġarr, Malta)
Domes -- Malta -- Mġarr
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Tonna, K. (2024). The Mġarr Parish Church: construction aspects and structural analysis (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: The aim of this dissertation is to study the construction and structural aspects of the Mġarr Parish Chruch, especially its dome. This topic reflects the author’s interests in stone masonry and its structural aspect. The research is mainly intended to analyse the logic behind the dome’s construction, the stereo tomy of the stone used, as well as the behaviour of the structure and the properties that make it stable. A collection of all the information found regarding the history of the church was merged in this document and the context of the construction and design process was well understood. As a result to this, The Author’s Hypothesis, found in section 4.3.1. was designed in a way by keeping in mind the thought process used at the time of construction. The dissertation also makes a detailed reference to the case studies analysed before and during construction of the church, a gathering of detailed information which was not provided anywhere to this date. This documentation includes the relation to Vignola, the Carmelite Priory in Mdina, as well as the Rotunda in Mosta. The author goes through what relation each study has to the Mġarr church and at which stage in the construction these three cases were referred to. Finally, the author goes through the stresses found in the building, and by calculations a verdict on why the church is stable was made. The author does not explore in detail the structure’s aesthetics.
Description: M.Eng.(Melit.)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacBen - 2024
Dissertations - FacBenCSE - 2024

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