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Title: Fil-Magisteru recenti - riflessjoni ta' Fr Hector Scerri
Authors: Scerri, Hector
Keywords: Bible. John -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Pastoral theology
Jesus Christ -- Crucifixion
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Arċidjoċesi ta' Malta
Citation: Scerri, H. (2008). Fil-Magisteru recenti - riflessjoni ta' Fr Hector Scerri. In Pjan Pastorali 2009-2011. Sussidji dwar it-tema (pp. 08-10). Malta: Arċidjoċesi ta' Malta.
Abstract: Din il-kitba toffri ġabra ta' riflessjonijiet minn Papiet reċenti dwar is-silta ta' Ġwanni 12:32, "U meta nintrefa' 'l fuq mill-art, jiena niġbed il-bnedmin kollha lejja." Wieħed jista' japprezza l-użu varjat ta' dawn il-Papiet fuq silta partikulari li ntużat mill-Arċidjoċesi ta' Malta bħala t-tema tal-Pjan Pastorali 2009-2011. Din il-ġabra tinsab f'pubblikazzjoni rari tal-istess Arċidjoċesi u kienet offruta bħala sussidji pastorali għall-użu tal-Knisja lokali.
Description: These pages offer a number of texts from the Papal Magisterium referring to the words of Jesus Christ in John's Gospel (12:32), "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." The collection is part of a publication by the Archdiocese of Malta offered as a pastoral resource for use in the local church. The use made by the Popes of this text offers several interesting insights.
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