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Title: In-Nisrani u l-kelma ta' Alla
Authors: Scerri, Hector
Keywords: Word (Theology)
Bible. Gospels
God (Christianity) -- Attributes
Word of God (Christian theology)
Issue Date: 2008-09
Publisher: Christus Rex
Citation: Scrri, H. (2008). In-Nisrani u l-kelma ta' Alla. Pastor, 37(338), 03-05.
Abstract: Dan l-artiklu - li hu l-editorjal tal-ħarġa tar-rivista - jippreżenta mhux biss din il-pubblikazzjoni, imma jisħaq fuq iċ-ċentralita' tal-kelma t'Alla fil-ħajja tan-Nisrani u tal-komunita' kollha. Il-kuntest ta' din il-kitba kienet l-Assemblea tas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet f'Ottubru 2008. Il-kelma t'Alla għandha l-qawwa tittrasforma l-persuna, il-komunita' li temmen u saħansitra s-soċjeta'. Issir ukoll referenza għal diversi inizjattivi dwar il-pastorali biblika f'Malta.
Description: An overview of the centrality of the word of God in the life of the Christian, the community and society. The context when the editorial in question was published was the Synod of Bishops on the word of God in 2008.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacTheFDT

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