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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Lectures 7 : program 18 : ethnographic knowledge has the power to transform : it may also be ignored, blocked or misappropriatedWorks in Progress Seminars Series; Okely, Judith
2007Lectures 7 : program 16 : the Knights' building regulations of VallettaMalta Historical Society; Ellul, Michael
2007Lectures 7 : program 14 : Malta and memory : WWII in the novels of Pynchon, Monsarrat, Burgess and RinaldiBritish Cultural Association; Vassallo, Claire
2007Lectures 7 : program 13 : political and cultural formation in the work of Antonio GramsciWorks in Progress Seminars Series; Mayo, Peter
2007Lectures 7 : program 12 : the hidden treasures of VallettaMalta Historical Society; Musu, Salvatore
2007Lectures 7 : programs 9, 11 and 15 : seminar : ta' barra minn hawn : ir-razza u r-radika fil-letteratura MaltijaAkkademja tal-Malti; Department of Maltese, University of Malta; Zammit, Anna; Grech, Mario; Mifsud, Immanuel; Cassar, Carmel; Vella, Raphael; Grech, Michael; Pace, Paul; Grima, Adrian
2007Lectures 7 : program 8 : the Italian job : the impact of input from the media on language learningUniversity of Malta. Faculty of Education; Caruana, Sandro
2007Lectures 7 : program 7 : the streetscape of VallettaMalta Historical Society; Busuttil, Claude
2007Lectures 7 : programs 4, 5 and 6 : varjanti ortograficiKunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti
2007Lectures 7 : program 3 : beyond the formal : an educational experience made realAzzopardi, Andrew
2007Lectures 7 : program 2 : towards an anthropology of migrating screen culture : what does Walter Benjamin offer in the age of globalization?Works in Progress Seminars Series; Grech, John
2007Lectures 7 : program 1 : a passion for birds : historical, ecological and social aspects of hunting in Malta and the MediterraneanWorks in Progress Seminars Series; Falzon, Mark Anthony
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12

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