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dc.identifier.citationWright, K. & Borg, C. (2024). Therapy Talk S9 [Radio series]. Malta: Campus FMen_GB
dc.descriptionA series of programmes that aims to help individuals, parents, couples, grandparents, especially those who live alone, and all those that are open to reflect on their roots - the family. Produced and presented by Karl Wright, a Family Therapist, with the help of psychotherapist Claire Borg.en_GB
dc.description.abstractProgramm li jfittex li jilħaq lill-individwi u/jew ġenituri li jgħixu waħedhom, lill-koppji, lill-ġenituri, lin-nanniet u lil kull min huwa miftuħ jirrifletti dwar għeruqu, il-familja.en_GB
dc.subjectStrains and stressesen_GB
dc.subjectMental healthen_GB
dc.subjectPersonality disordersen_GB
dc.subjectBurn out (Psychology)en_GB
dc.titleTherapy Talk S9 : Programmes 1 - 13en_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 1 : L-influwenza tat-trobbija fuq ir-relazzjoni mal-ikelen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 2 : L-impatt tan-negattivita fuq ħajjitnaen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 3 : Id-deċiżjoni li persuna ma jkollhiex tfalen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 4 : Ir-road rageen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 5 : L-edukazzjoni sesswalien_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 6 : Il-mewt tal-ulieden_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 7 : L-ewtanasjaen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 8 : Is-sapport għal min jaħdem qrib it-trawmieten_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 9 : L-istat tas-saħħa mentali f'Maltaen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 10 : Il-FOMO jew Fear of Missing Outen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 11 : L-istili differenti ta' ġenitorija u kif dawn jaffettwaw l-iżvilupp u l-imġiba tat-tfalen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 12 : L-eko-terapijaen_GB
dc.title.alternativeProg 13 : L-Omofobiaen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.contributor.creatorWright, Karl-
dc.contributor.creatorBorg, Claire-
Appears in Collections:Therapy Talk (9)

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