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Title: Ricerkaturi S4: Programmes 1 - 13
Other Titles: Prog 1 : Dr John Betts - our history in pottery
Prog 2 : Supporting university research through philanthropy - Mr Christopher Busuttil Delbrige
Prog 3 : Osteoporosis - Prof Melissa Formosa
Prog 4 : Gender Studies, Work-Life Balance - Prof Anna Borg
Prog 5 : Literature and Art in the Modernist era' - Ms Kathleen Vella
Prog 6 : Research in brain tumours - Dr Claude Julien Bajada
Prog 7 : Tourism and place - Dr John Ebejer
Prog 8 : Sustainable concrete - Prof Ruben Paul Borg
Prog 9 : Maltese political theatre - Prof Marco Galea
Prog 10 : Witchcraft and Food in Maltese history - Prof Carmel Cassar
Prog 11 : Research in the preservation of the Notarial Archives - Dr Joan Abela
Prog 12 : The Circular Economy and the importance of investment in research and innovation - Dr Jonathan Spiteri
Prog 13 : Regulating prostitution - Prof. Anna Borg
Authors: Kenely, Wilfred
Keywords: Cancer -- Research
Osteoporosis -- Research
Work-life balance
Issue Date: 2024-01
Citation: Kenely, W. (2024). Ricerkaturi - S4 [Radio series]. Malta: Campus FM
Abstract: Programm li jlaqqgħana ma’ riċerkaturi li qed jagħmlu xogħol ta’ valur għoli ħafna grazzi għall-għajnuna finanzjarja li qed jirċievu mill-Fond tar-Riċerka tal-Universitá ta’ Malta (RIDT).
Description: Another series exploring more research programmes at the University of Malta and funded by RIDT.
Appears in Collections:Riċerkaturi (4)

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RICERKATURI_S4_EP01.mp3radio programme62.51 MBUnknownView/Open
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RICERKATURI_S4_EP13.mp3radio programme64.85 MBUnknownView/Open

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