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Title: Academia matters
Authors: Azzopardi, Andrew
Keywords: University of Malta -- Students
Government aid to higher education -- Malta
University of Malta. Faculty for Social Wellbeing
Critical thinking -- Management
Issue Date: 2018-10
Publisher: Standard Publications Ltd.
Citation: Azzopardi, A. (2018, October 3). Academia matters. The Malta Independent, p. 8.
Abstract: The new academic year has taken off. As usual, the hustle and bustle at the University of Malta is at their best. Students are chasing freebies on campus while others try to sort out their timetable clashes. You get the odd fresher's hoping against all hope, that one or more of their colleagues from sixth form would walk into the same lecture hall drawing a sign of relief that 'they will not be on their own'. The bonbon feeling of chaos and of people chasing their dreams
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