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Title: The factors that motivate consumers to engage in e-WOM through online consumer reviews in the accommodation sector
Authors: Tanti, Kylie
Keywords: Word-of-mouth advertising
Internet marketing
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this research is to study consumers' engagement and trust in different electronic word-of-mouth platforms. This study also focuses on consumers engaging in eWOM by writing online consumer reviews after experiencing an accommodation service, and the motivational factors which instigate these consumers to do so. Design/methodology/approach – This study, backed with secondary data, focused its findings on the primary data collected via a self-administered web-based survey. The research survey was responded by 334 participants between the age of 18 and 40 years who are Maltese or foreigners who reside in Malta. The responses data was extracted to a spreadsheet software and was further extracted to the analytical software SPSS for analysing. Findings – The main results of this research, extracted from the web-based survey responses, focused mostly on different eWOM platforms and online consumer reviews. The findings illustrated how the participants tend to engage in eWOM prior to an accommodation booking decision and even compare reviews from different platforms, which influences their ultimate purchase decision. The findings also show that participants tend to post OCRs on a rare basis and the main motivational factors which drive this behaviour are extreme satisfaction, extreme dissatisfaction and price-quality comparison. Research limitations/implications – This study seeks to help all stakeholders involved in the accommodation sector to adapt their strategies in order to create greater bonds with their consumers and ensure positive experiences which will in return yield them positive eWOM. Practical implications – This research aims at providing best insight on eWOM in the accommodation sector, which has an effect on all businesses involved in the industry on different levels. Originality/value – Since the internet and technological capabilities keep expanding, the need for intense eWOM analysis expands as well in all sectors, including the accommodation sector upon which this research is built upon.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacEma - 2016
Dissertations - FacEMAMar - 2016
Dissertations - InsES - 2016

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