Melitensia Works - ERCGARGeo Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990Qala the invisible bridgeFiott, Charles
2000O żmien ħelu...Xerri, Raymond C.
2023Pjanti u mapep tal-Mellieħa fl-Arkivju tad-Dipartiment tax-Xogħolijiet PubbliċiBartolo, David
2023Pjanti u mapep tal-Mellieħa fl-Arkivju tad-Dipartiment tax-Xogħolijiet PubbliċiBartolo, David
2012Ġebel mal-kosta tal-QalaXerri, Raymond C.
1994Tourism and culture in the north of Malta : some observationsBoissevain, Jeremy
2005The Inquisitor's palace : teacher's resource bookVella, Yosanne
2003Confronting the tourist industry in MaltaBoissevain, Jeremy
2011-08X'kien l-ewwel isem ta' Għawdex?Cremona, John
2000-07It-turiżmu f'Għawdex... prospetti u diffikultajietZammit, Eddie; Muscat, Joe
2010Emblem and topography of MunxarSaliba, Isabelle; Sciberras, Maryrose
2007Ismijiet ta' inħawi f'Kerċem u Santa LuċijaGrima, Michael
2016Ismijiet ta' postijiet fl-inħawi ta' Bubaqra : widien, irdumijiet, xagħri u kampanjaSchembri, Raymond
1976Tourism in MaltaBoissevain, Jeremy; Serracino Inglott, Peter
2012Ir-Rabat ta' Għawdex : 125 sena bit-titlu ta' belt : 1887-10 ta' Ġunju - 2012Attard, Geoffrey George
2009-04Lejn toponomastika Ġorġjana ta' GħawdexAttard, Geoffrey George
2019-06It's Malta, but not as you know itFenech, Iggy
2016Dawra mal-inħawi tal-QalaPortelli, Carmel
2007Xi ismijiet tat-toroq tagħnaBezzina, Karm
1996Big holes in a small place : the stone quarrying dilemma in the Maltese IslandsBalm, Roger
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 61

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