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Title: 100 ideas for the social sector
Authors: Azzopardi, Andrew
Keywords: Social planning -- Malta
Social problems -- Malta
Non-governmental organizations -- Malta
Community development -- Malta
Social policy
Issue Date: 2021-09
Publisher: Standard Publications Ltd.
Citation: Azzopardi, A. (2021, September 15). 100 ideas for the social sector. The Malta Independent, pp.6.
Abstract: Recently I launched 100 ideas that might advance the social sector. The purpose of sharing these ideas is to help place the social sector back on the agenda where it belongs and through out-of-the-box solutions address some major issues we have to contend with. As academics we are duty-bound to keep providing elucidations to very complex problems. This has to happen through a mélange of lecturing, research, dissertations, our social engagement and reflection as we go about our professional life journey.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacSoWYCS

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