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dc.contributor.authorBusuttil, Tancred
dc.identifier.citationBusuttil, T. (1966). The grande multipara. The St. Luke`s Hospital Gazette, 1(1), 31-34.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe grande multipara is a woman who has given birth seven or more times. This is a survey consisting of a study of all the para 7 or over delivered at St. Luke`s Hospital, Malta, during the two-year period 1963-1964. A series of 638 grande multipara is studied. The findings show a higher rate than average for certain obstetrical abnormalities, such as toxemia, abruptio placentae, still-birth and malpresentations. Notwithstanding, the maternal mortality is not affected.en_GB
dc.publisherThe St. Luke`s Hospital Gazetteen_GB
dc.subjectDelivery (Obstetrics) -- Case studiesen_GB
dc.subjectObstetrics -- Malta -- Case studiesen_GB
dc.subjectChildbirth -- Malta -- Case studiesen_GB
dc.subjectLabor (Obstetrics) -- Complications -- Malta -- Case studiesen_GB
dc.titleThe grande multiparaen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
Appears in Collections:TSLHG, Volume 1, Issue 1
TSLHG, Volume 1, Issue 1

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