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Title: Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights : volume 12 (Double Issue)
Authors: Andó, Salvo
Craxi, Stefan
Keywords: Human rights advocacy
Human rights monitoring
International law and human rights
Human rights -- Periodicals
Human rights -- Mediterranean Region
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Laws
Citation: Andó, S., Craxi, S. (2008). Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights : volume 12 (Double Issue).
Abstract: Editorial Foreword : Salvo Andó
Guest Editorial
The Mediterranean Union and the Revitalisation of Euro-Mediterranean Relations: The Italian Role: Stefan Craxi
· Il "Giusto Processo" nell' Esperienza Italiana e Comunitaria: Italo Andolina · The Notice of Action Procedure in Maltese Law: Should it be Repealed? Kevin Aquilina · Integration is a Human Right: Mary Ayad · Changing the European Human Rights System Once Again: The Wise Persons Spoke, But Did They Speak Wisely?: Yves Haeck, Clara Burbano Herrera; Johan Vande Lanotte, Andy van Pachtenbeke · Child Abuse and the Nigerian Child Rights Act, 2003: Recent Challenges and Strategies: Amose Adeoye Idowu · Vecchi e Nuovi Indios: Orizzonti dell' Uguaglianza e Costruzione della Differenza : Mariano Longo e Stefano Magnolo · The European Union and the Mediterranean Countries; Projects, Instruments and Prospects for Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation: Alessandro Morselli · The Accession of Malta to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Ian Refalo
· Editorial Note: Ranier Fsadni · Growing up Palestinian in Israel: Masculinity, Colonialism, Apartheid, and Migration: Magid Shihade · The 21st century Kultur Kampf: Fundamentalist Islam against Occidental Culture: Shlomo Giora Shoham
· Il Bilanciamento Tra Libertà Civile E Tutela Della Sicurezza Interna Alla Luce Della Rule Of Law:· La Crisi Del Potere Legislative di fronte a Quello Giudiziario: Roberto di Maria · Achieving Environmental Justice through Human Rights: Shantanu Jugtawat · The Rules Against Human Trafficking: The "Italian Job" and the Need For a New, Not Exclusively Legislative, Answer: 3 Antonello Miranda · Repressione Penale del Terrorismo Internazionale e Tutela dei Diritti Umani Fondamentali: Filippo Paterniti · Do Girls have Women's or Children's Rights? Rella Turki Ben Cheikh · Combating Terrorism under Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Regimes: Borhan Uddin Khan & Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman
Literature as a Tool for Promoting the Culture of Human Rights: Ciro Sbailo
Abstracts in English
Abstracts in Arabic
Index of Articles Published in the Journal
Subscription Form
Journal Style Sheet
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