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Title: Topical collection on the role of planning towards sustainable urban mobility
Authors: Brůhová Foltýnová, Hana
Attard, Maria
Melo, Sandra
Keywords: Urban transportation policy
Sustainability -- Social aspects
Transportation -- Technological innovations
Transportation -- Case studies
Transportation -- Planning -- Case studies
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Citation: Brůhová Foltýnová, H., Attard, M., & Melo, S. (2018). Topical collection on the role of planning towards sustainable urban mobility. European Transport Research Review, 10, 38.
Abstract: In Europe, 74% of the population live and work in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. Furthermore, the share of urban population is expected to grow further up to 82% by 2050 [1]. This, together with an aging urban population, has the potential to strengthen problems related to mobility and transport systems. Cities are confronted with the pressing dilemma of how to increase the quality of life in face of these demographic changes; how to further maintain, improve and possibly increase mobility of people and goods and at the same time decrease the negative side-effects of transport like congestion, emissions, noise, the loss of public space to traffic, and road safety, among others.
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