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Title: Rediscovering the archival history of the Order of Saint John : the proofs of admission of the Langue of Italy (c.15th-c.18th)
Authors: Vanesio, Valeria
Keywords: Knights of Malta -- Malta
Order of St John -- Malta
Knights of Malta. Langue of Italy
Military religious orders -- Malta
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: OpenEdition Journals
Citation: Vanesio, V. (2022). Rediscovering the archival history of the Order of Saint John : the proofs of admission of the Langue of Italy (c.15th-c.18th). Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 104, 27-50.
Abstract: The archives of the Order: the status quaestionis Au milieu de tant de vicissitudes, il n’est pas sans intérêt de s’enquérir du sort subi par les archives de l’Hôpital […]. Les documents, en effet, sont dispersés dans les dépôts de l’Europe, tantôt isolés en petits groupes, tantôt réunis en nombre considérable dans une même archive ; quelques fonds, d’autre part, ont échappé aux investigations les plus minutieuses et semblent absolument perdus. Thus wrote Joseph Delaville Le Roulx (1855-1911), French historian and author of the Cartulaire général de l’Ordre des Hospitaliers de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem, a 4-volume investigation on the fragmented archives of the Order of Saint John in the first centuries of its activities (up to 1310). Although based on a superseded methodology and therefore outdated, the Cartulaire marked a turning point in the field of Hospitaller studies. It shed new light on many forgotten records scattered all over Europe, thereby providing a wide range of sources to scholars even up to this day.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacMKSLIAS

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