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Title: Sir Philip Sidney 'inward Sunne to Heroicke minde' and Giordano Bruno's 'sole intelligenziale' in De gli eroici furori
Authors: Massa, Daniel
Keywords: Sidney, Philip, 1554-1586. Astrophel and Stella
Sidney, Philip, 1554-1586. Astrophel and Stella -- Criticism and interpretation
Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1600. De gli eroici furori
Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1600. De gli eroici furori -- Criticism and interpretation
Great Britain -- History -- Elizabeth, 1558-1603
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: University of Malta. Institute of Anglo-Italian Studies
Citation: Massa, D. (2001). Sir Philip Sidney 'inward Sunne to Heroicke minde' and Giordano Bruno's 'sole intelligenziale' in De gli eroici furori. Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies, 6, 61-85.
Abstract: Some time in 1582, Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophil discovers a painful truth. While he weighs his thoughts in 'sense's balance,' he cannot, nor indeed does he, desire to see the skies 'which inwarde sunne to Heroicke minde displaies.' Seeing his beloved Stella in flesh and blood, neglecting the inward sunne, Astrophil gestures towards physicality: Vertue's great beautie in that face I prove And find th'effect, for I do burne in love.
ISSN: 15602168
Appears in Collections:Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies, vol. 06

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