Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, volume 16, double issue Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights : volume 16 : double issueAndò, Salvo; Refalo, Ian; Balaguer Callejón, Francisco; Zammit, David E.
2012The Syrian crisisAndo, Salvatore
2012The role of tradition in the Maltese mixed jurisdictionAndo, Biagio
2012Social and economic rights in the Constitution of the United StatesCorso, Lucia
2012Diritto soggettivo e diritti umani. Una comparazione giuridicaFerlito, Sergio
2012La ricerca della felicita come felicita della ricercaHetzel, Paola Barbara
2012I fattori determinanti della partecipazione degli immigrati nelle attivita civiche e politiche in ItaliaKosic, Ankica; Bonaiuto, Marino
2012Exposing the hidden soul of guilt : corporate accomplice liability in international criminal lawLanoie, Nicholas
2012Externalisation du droit d'asile et devoir de non-refoulement dans la pratique conventionnelle Euro-MediterraneenneNicolosi, Salvatore Fabio
2012The natural law in the American traditionO'Scannlain, Diarmuid F.
2012Primato del diritto Europeo e controlimiti come tecniche di relazione tra gli ordinamentiVecchio, Fausto
2012Tackling double victimization of Muslim women in Europe : an intersectional responseAst, Frederique; Spielhaus, Riem
2012Gender and disabilityGauci, Vickie; Debono, Marianne
2012Multiple discrimination in lawHoward, Erica
2012General comment N.16 on the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights : some highlights and commentsSeatzu, Francesco
2012Improving human rights respect in the European South : the case of Greece and the implementation of the EU anti-discrimination principleAntoniou, Theofania
2012Human rights : notion and supposition - an analytical studyChaturvedi, Saksham; Agrawal, Chanchal
2012Immigrazione, integrazione e sviluppo economico in ItaliaMaria, Giuseppina; Talamo, Chiara
2012Immigration and organized crime : an analysis of the Italian situationMaria, Giuseppina; Talamo, Chiara
2012The rights to adequate housing in international human rights law : Polish transformation experiencesTerminski, Bogumil
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20