Season 1989/90 Programmes - SchPATMP Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 27 of 27
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1989-11Don Pasquale : Cavalleria Rusticana : Pagliacci (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Associazione Mattia Battistini (Roma); Ar.Li.Co.Ro; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Accursi, Michele; Donizetti, Gaetano; Targioni-Tozzetti, Giovanni; Menasci, Guido; Mascagni, Pietro; Leoncavallo, Ruggiero; Rinaldi, Maurizio; Sammut, Joseph; Vella, Joseph; Vero, Paolo; Valeri, Franca; Ruffini, Giovanni
1989-10-09Concert by the Spanish guitarrist Cerles M. Eroles (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Kumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenza; Malta. Ambaxxata (Spain); Eroles, Cerles M.
1989-11-25The Orchestra dell'Accademia Strumentale di Roma in a concert on the occasion of the "European festival of music & dance 1989" (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Kumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenza; Malta. Ambaxxata (Italy); Istituto Italiano di Cultura; Regione Lazio, Assessorato alla Cultura; Orchestra dell'Accademia Strumentale di Roma; Ponziano Ciardi, Paolo; Grondona, Stefano; Mancini, Giovanna
1989Cinderella (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta Amateur Dramatic Club; Alison White Dancing Studio; Overend, J. C.; Bezzina, Anthony; Vella, Joseph; White, Alison
1989-12-18Alexander Baillie (violoncello) : Andrew Ball (pianoforte) (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Kumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenza; Malta. Maltese High Commission (Great Britain); Baillie, Alexander; Ball, Andrew
1989-10-24Cornelius Schmaderer and Kathleen de Domenico in a cello and piano recital (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Schmaderer, Cornelius; De Domenico, Kathleen
1989-11Bottom of the garden & other twisted tales (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Ridout, Matthew; Rae, Nola; West, Peter; Koshkin, Nikita
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 27 of 27

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