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Title: The rise of China and Sino-Maltese relations
Authors: Zerafa, Matthew
Keywords: China -- Foreign relations -- Malta
Malta -- Foreign relations -- China
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: This dissertation aims to gather all relevant information and sources together to seek a better understanding of Sino-Maltese relations, without delving into the rhetoric of political events. This will be done by taking into account all such events and questioning the debate of political parties in Malta, and how these affect the general public opinion on China. This issue will then be addressed through non-partisan political argument moving away from political discourse, and focusing on the Rise of China and how domestic events in both China and Malta had an effect on Sino-Maltese relations. This study seeks to delve into and address decisions that changed or impacted the flow of relations, which was minimal, and analyse if and how the positive relationship between Malta and China continued over the course of 40 years of bilateral relations in a path of upward positive trajectory, despite domestic political differences of governance, especially on human rights and environmental issues. The objectives of this dissertation are to be explored through the use of qualitative existent data and interviews conducted during this study in order to address particular shortcomings in literature, which is very limited, on Sino-Maltese relations. Thus this study challenges and asks questions that were unanswered throughout the history of the bilateral relations. The initial aim of this study’s literature review is to analyse the rise of China and decide which side of the argument to proceed on, whether to review China from an opportunity or rather a threat perspective. Following this review, the theory that best supports the aforementioned rise in relation to bilateral Sino-Maltese relations will be analysed. In the main chapters of this thesis, the study focuses on answering the three main objectives better explained in the next introductory chapter, and each of the three main chapters focusing on each objective respectively will explain the link to the theory of liberalism and how the literature and theory support the rest of the study. In conclusion, the objectives highlighted in the introductory chapter are answered separately, together with shortcomings in the bilateral relations, and what Malta and China should envisage and improve in the future through recommendations.
Description: B.A.(HONS)INT.REL.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacArt - 2016
Dissertations - FacArtIR - 2016

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