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Title: Analysis οf the relationship between perceived service performance and students' socioeconomic and demographic characteristics : a study of a private technical school
Authors: Censi, Rodrigo
Soares, Sandro Vieira
Junges, Ivone
Cremona Parma, Gabriel Oscar
Tezza, Rafael
Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, José
Keywords: Customer services -- Quality control
Private schools
Technical education
Curriculum planning
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association
Citation: Censi, R., Soares, S. V., Junges, I., Cremona Parma, G. O., Tezza, R., & Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra, J. (2024). Analysis οf the relationship between perceived service performance and students' socioeconomic and demographic characteristics : a study of a private technical school. European Research Studies Journal, 27(3), 437-459.
Abstract: PURPOSE: This study analyzed the relationship between service performance and students' socioeconomic and demographic characteristics at a private technical school in Florianópolis.
DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research was quantitative, descriptive, and surveytype. It used an adapted HEdPERF questionnaire with 35 items. It employed the Osgood semantic differential scale, a final sample of 197 respondents, reliability and fit indices in line with the literature, and analysis using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Tukey's posthoc test.
FINDINGS: The results show differences in the perception of course quality according to the variables Shift, Sex, Schooling, Number of children, Semester, and Income of the students. These findings are partially in line with previous literature. On the other hand, results indicate there is no difference in the perception of course quality according to the variables Course, Race, Marital Status, Age, Number of Dependents, and Nature of High School. These findings are partially in line with the reviewed literature.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The findings of this research will enable technical course managers to develop actions focused on the profiles of students who are most critical to service performance.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: These findings are partially in line with the reviewed literature.
Appears in Collections:European Research Studies Journal, Volume 27, Issue 3

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