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Title: Comparing the image quality of two 3-Tesla MRI scanners using the brain protocol
Authors: Benmatoug, Nour (2024)
Keywords: Phantoms (Radiology)
Magnetic resonance imaging -- Malta
Diagnostic imaging -- Malta
Diagnostic imaging -- Equipment and supplies
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Benmatoug, N. (2024). Comparing the image quality of two 3-Tesla MRI scanners using the brain protocol (Bachelor's degree).
Abstract: Background: In this dissertation the image quality between two 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)s, Philip the Ingenia MRI and the Siemens Healthineers the MAGNETOM Vida was investigated by scanning an American College of Radiology (ACR) phantom using the brain protocol on both machines and using the scanned images to evaluate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in each MRI. Objective: This study compares the MRI machines and proposes ways in which the brain protocols used in a general state hospital in Malta may be improved. By doing so this can reduce scanning time and provide better image qualities to benefit the patients and staff. Research Methodology: An experiment was conducted on both machines, by utilizing the ACR phantom in order to perform 4 testing methods to obtain the SNR values. The scans obtained by each MRI were then analysed via programming software and the results were explained and discussed. Results: This study’s results found a difference of 109.73% between the Philip and Siemens SNR values, indicating that Philips the Ingenia MRI provides higher SNR values which results in a higher image quality whilst also providing a shorter scanning time. Conclusion: This study can serve as a base for the brain protocols used in the general state hospital and by implementing the parameters highlighted in this study one can reduce the scanning time whilst improving the image quality. Recommendation: In future research it is recommended to compare other aspects of each MRI such as the contrast to noise ratio and to find the best parameters for whole body scans that can also minimise the scanning time and improve image quality.
Description: B.Sc. (Hons)(Melit.)
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSci - 2024
Dissertations - FacSciPhy - 2024

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